This page of Dad’s photo album covers his first and third ascents of Snow Peak (formerly Cleveland Rock). The first was June 19, 1932. The third was July 2, 1933. Snow Peak is in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains east of Lebanon. Its elevation is 4183 feet, which makes it a whisker higher than Marys Peak.

The group for each ascent included both Wrights and McClains. Here is the group at the summit on Dad’s first ascent in 1932:

Names from the left: Harold Wright(?), Lloyd Wright(?), Esther Turnidge(?), Bernard McClain, unknown couple, Betty McClain, and the rest are unknown except Mina Wright on far right. If you can identify any of the others, or want to correct any of my identifications, please speak up.
The photo of the group at the summit on Dad’s third ascent in 1933 has been posted previously. That ascent took place exactly one week before Mom and Dad were married.