John & Sarah Hammell on Their Porch, c. 1912

This is another photo that was quite faded, so the image here isn’t the best. This is John and Sarah Hammell on the porch of their house at 122 N. Sherman St. in Albany, about 1912.

This photo appears to have been taken a few months after the photo in this earlier post. That photo seems to show the sidewalk in front of the house shortly after it was poured. The bushes on the right have more foliage in this photo than the earlier one, and there is a lonely plant in the flower bed below. Later photos show the flower beds full of plants, which is what makes me think this one was taken not too long after that earlier one.

John and Sarah were products of their era. Wife with hand on husband’s shoulder seems to have been as far as a photographic display of affection could go. Even the photo of them in this post, taken about 25 years later, still has them posing this way.

One thought on “John & Sarah Hammell on Their Porch, c. 1912”

  1. Thank you very much, Lloyd! I enjoy all your pictures of our great-grandparents!

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