Wm P. Wright family, c. 1914

I don’t have a lot of information about this picture. I don’t know where it was taken, and I don’t know the date. Judging from the ages of the children, it seems likely that it was taken about 1914.

In any case, you know most of these people, by name if not by face. Some of you have even met some of them in person. The identities are:

Back (L to R): Will Wright, Richard Wright (Dad’s uncles)

On bench (L to R): “Auntie” Mary Hawkins (Angie’s sister), May Taft (we knew her as “Auntie May”), holding son Francis, Angie Wright (Great Grandma Wright), Emma Wright (Will’s wife), Edith Wright (Richard’s wife)

Front (L to R): Ida Wright (Richard’s daughter), LeRoy Wright (Will’s son), Helen Wright (Richard’s daughter)

A lot changed in the 33 years or so between the 1881 photo and this one. William P. Wright (Great Grandpa Wright) passed away in 1912, so he is absent. Richard, who was just an infant on the ground in the 1881 picture, is now married with two daughters. He lives in Seattle. Will, the oldest, is also married with a son. I’m not sure where Will lived at the time of this picture. In 1910 he lived in Michigan but by 1918 he lived in Hoquiam. Their sister Sarah May Wright, who wasn’t even born in 1881, is now married with a son. She eventually landed in Dearborn, Michigan, but at the time of this picture may have lived in Pennsylvania.

Auntie Hawkins (Mary) is said to have lived with Richard in Seattle at some point. Neither the 1910 nor 1920 census records show that, so it’s a bit of a mystery.

I am struck by the resemblance between Richard and Dad. Not super-strong, but definitely there, to my eye at least.

There are just a few strands of direct connection from these people to our generation. Some of us met Auntie May (Sarah May Taft) in Dearborn, Michigan in the mid-’60s. Some of you met LeRoy, we think, at the cranberry bog in 1947/48. Donna mentioned possibly meeting Ida, but no one else seems to have a recollection of that. Otherwise, they either lived far away or had passed away by the time our generation came on the scene.

One thought on “Wm P. Wright family, c. 1914”

  1. I have been doing some research on my grandmother Daisy Wright. She was from Michigan. She married my grandfather Alex Hasson who was working on the GN railroad and traveling west. Eventually they ended up in Washington state. I do jhave some history but thought I would throw this outthere.

    Alex Hasson , Montana

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