Wright Siblings in California, 1929-1930

Finally we get to the photos I promised of the living situation the five Wright siblings had in the California Bay Area (in or near Richmond, I believe) from September 1929 through May 1930.

Here is a photo of the five of them in the “front room” of their house. This photo was taken in low light, so those who didn’t sit very still (Ed and Earl especially) ended up blurry.

I believe that’s Ed on the left and Earl on the right, with Irvine, Dad and Ann (L-R) in the middle.

This next photo is of Irvine and Dad playing crib in the dining room. Again, low light, so a little blurry.

It is interesting that Dad is fairly dressed up here, wearing a dress shirt and tie. I don’t imagine that was what he normally wore in the evenings after work (and it surely wasn’t what he wore building a pipeline). Sunday, maybe?

This next photo is of the fireplace in the house. (That’s how Dad labeled the photo.) It isn’t clear whether this is the same as the “front room” in the photo above (but the opposite side of the room) or a different room altogether.

Check out the radio on the shelf at left. Also there appears to be a musical instrument case on the shelf on the right, probably a violin. Any idea who would have been playing that? It is impossible to tell for sure, but I think that is a picture of Mom on the shelf just right of the radio.

Finally, the exterior view of the house.

The notation in Dad’s photo album is specific that they lived here from November 1929 to May 1930. Since they were in California before November, this raises the question of where they lived at first.