Hammells with Grandchildren, 1919

Here is another photo of the Hammells with their grandchildren in Tallman. This photo almost certainly was taken at the same time as a similar one posted several months ago that does not include the grandparents.

This is on the porch of the McClain home in Tallman in 1919. Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Hammell in back, of course. The children in front are (from left, with ages): Mom, 9, Pat Hutchins, 3, Uncle Barney, 7, and Aunt Betty, 2. I don’t know the name or age of the cat, but Uncle Barney and Aunt Betty seem more interested in it than the photographer.

2 thoughts on “Hammells with Grandchildren, 1919”

  1. I love this picture! Mom with her hands in her pockets ( she liked pockets!) and so dressed up! She eve. Has a necklace! Another observation..I didn’t realize Great grandma was so tall…she appears taller than ggpa. She too appears dressed up proper like! Even with a bracelet! The kids are all so cute!

  2. All four of my sisters have already commented on this picture which I forwarded this morning! Jan wrote, “Thank you for sending the pictures of Dad. I just love seeing him at the age of the stories he used to tell us at night!”

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