Addie McClain with McClain Granddaughters, c. 1949

This is a photo of Grandma Addie McClain with her older McClain granddaughters, the daughters of her son Bernard.

Judy (9), Janet (2), Grandma Addie and Joyce (7) McClain

Everyone looks like they are dressed up for a special occasion. One possibility (and this is only speculation on my part) is that they were celebrating Grandma Addie’s 60th birthday. The actual date of that birthday was September 14, 1946. But even giving this photo the year 1946 is just an educated guess, so I could be wildly wrong.

If this was a celebration of Grandma’s 60th, it could have been on the actual day, since it was a Saturday. But that is just more speculation.

It seems likely that the special occasion was Easter. Not sure why that didn’t occur to me right off. Also in view of the correction to the date (from 1946 to 1949), the photo takes on a different “tone” with the realization that Grandma Addie was a relatively recent widow (two years).

I don’t recognize the location of this photo. Possibly it was in Portland (yet more speculation).

If nothing else, this photo proves that cuteness was not the exclusive domain of Grandma Addie’s Wright grandchildren. ;–)