Pete and Anna Smith

Here are Pete and Anna Smith with sons Alexander and Vern in 1936, on Vashon Island. Alexander was 19 and Vern was 11 at that time.

This photo was taken December 5, 1951, Grandma and Grandpa’s 50th wedding anniversary. On the left are Pete and Anna Smith, on the right is Lottie Hulshof. This is in Grandma and Grandpa’s house at Jefferson. If Grandma doesn’t look well, it’s because she had come home from the hospital the day before (according to Grandpa’s note on the back of the photo). No explanation as to why she was in the hospital.

Gerrit Hulshof (Grandma’s brother and Lottie’s husband) had passed away in 1944, seven years prior.

Lottie, of course, was Grandpa’s oldest sister (but younger than he by four years). And Anna was Grandma’s youngest sister.

Anna would pass away less than three years after this. Lottie would live another ten years. Grandma would live for 14 years after this and Grandpa 21 years.

I considered cropping this picture more tightly around the people, but the stuff in the background was just too interesting to cut out… the wallpaper, the pictures on the wall, even the piano.

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